// Programming Environment: Bloodshed
// Program Description:
// This program uses struct to create structure of data so that we could use it
// for efficient programming experience. It creates an array of five structures
// with drink name, drink cost and number in machine. It lists the number of
// drinks, its costs and type of drink. The user is allowed to either pick a
// drink or leave the program by pressing any key except for the keys assigned
// for the respective drinks. The program takes amount from user for particular
// drink and then gives the output to the user about their change or informs user
// if the fund is insufficient. It only accepts amount >= zero and Less than
// equal to one. If the drinks are sold out then the user is informed to select
// other available drinks and can't choose sold out drinks. The program is designed
// to serve more than one transaction by one user untill they want to quit the
// program. Finally, the user is informed the updated result of all the transaction
// including the amount of money the machine earned from the user.
// Date/Time: 4/29/2010 5:17:39 AM
#include "extras.h"
#include "Generic_Class.h"
using namespace std;
// Named Constants
const int DRINK_SIZE = 27;
const int NUM_DRINKS = 5; // Valid for 5 drinks.
const char INPUT_PATH_FILE[] =
"C:\\c++ 242\\Assignments\\assignment4\\drink_machine_input.txt";
// Structure Declarations
struct Drink_Structure {
// Creating structure of Drink_Name, Cost and Quantity.
char Drink_Name[DRINK_SIZE];
double Cost;
int Quantity;
// Function Prototypes
void Simulator(Drink_Structure[], int);
bool Do_Again (void);
int main (void) {
cout.setf (ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
cout.setf (ios::showpoint);
cout.precision (2);
do {
ifstream InFile; // Input file stream.
InFile.open (INPUT_PATH_FILE); // Opening the file.
if (InFile) { // Performing operations if the input file is open.
// Input file opened successfully.
Drink_Structure machine[NUM_DRINKS];
//Creating an array of Drink_Structure type with NUM_DRINKS number
// of structures
int index = 0;
while (InFile >> machine[index].Drink_Name >> machine[index].Cost
>> machine[index].Quantity) {
// Replace underscore characters in drink name with spaces.
for (int i = 0; i < strlen (machine[index].Drink_Name); ++i) {
if (machine[index].Drink_Name[i] == '_') {
machine[index].Drink_Name[i] = ' ';
if (++index == NUM_DRINKS) {
// if increasing index value reaches NUM_DRINKS then it breaks
// out of the loop.
Simulator(machine, NUM_DRINKS);
// Calling the function to simulate the tasks.
} else {
cout << endl << "\a Error::Cannot Open Input File";
// Displays error if the program can't open the input file.
} while (Do_Again ());
return 0;
// Function Definitions
bool Do_Again (void) {
(void) fflush (stdin);
cout << endl << endl << "\aDo Again? (y/n): ";
return static_cast(tolower (_getch ())) == 'y';
void Simulator(Drink_Structure Machine[], int numDrinks) {
// This function defination takes the input from the user on which drink they
// like to drink and gives the change or asks for additional amount if insufficient.
// If the user chooses to quit the program then it displays the updated
// situation of the number of drinks in the machine and the amount of money
// earned by the machine.
char choice; // Choice as 1 to 5 drinks user want to have.
double amountInserted = 0.0; // Amount of money user enters at first.
double changeAmount = 0.0; // Amount of money user gets back or is in need.
double totalSales = 0.0; // Total sales amount for the machine.
do {
// Displaying the Drink Machine information.
cout << endl << endl << "Welcome to College Vending Machine Simulator!";
cout << endl << "---------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << endl << "Options\t" << "Drink Name\t" << "Cost\t" << "Number in Machine";
cout << endl << "-------\t" << "----------\t" << "----\t" << "-----------------";
for (int j = 0; j < numDrinks; ++j) {
cout << endl << setw (4) << char (j + 49) << "\t" << Machine[j].Drink_Name
<< "\t" << Machine[j].Cost << setw (13) << Machine[j].Quantity;
cout << endl << endl << "Enter Drink Option or PRESS ANY KEY to QUIT: ";
cin >> choice;
if (choice >= '1' && choice <= '5') {
// If the choice is in between 1 to 5 then the following code executes.
while (Machine[choice - 49].Quantity == 0) { // If drink number is "0".
cout << endl << "Oops.....Sold Out!! ";
cout << endl << endl << "Enter other DRINK OPTIONS except, "
<< Machine[choice - 49].Drink_Name << ": ";
cin >> choice; // User is forced to choose drinks except the one
// which is already sold out.
cout << endl << "INSERT Amount of Money FOR "
<< Machine[choice - 49].Drink_Name << ": " ;
cin >> amountInserted; // User's input.
while (amountInserted < 0 || amountInserted > 1) {
// Validating input.
cout << endl << "INVALID AMOUNT!" << endl
<< "INSERT Amount > $0 or <= $1: ";
cin >> amountInserted;
changeAmount = amountInserted - Machine[choice - 49].Cost;
// Calculation change amount.
while (changeAmount < 0.0) {
// If change amount is negative perform the following.
cout << endl << "Insufficient Fund!!" << endl << "You are Short: "
<< "$" << fabs (changeAmount);
cout << endl << "Please INSERT this short fund: ";
cin >> amountInserted;
while (amountInserted < 0.0 || amountInserted > 1.0) {
// Again validating the input.
cout << endl << "Invalid Amount" << endl
<< "INSERT Amount > $0 or <= $1: ";
cin >> amountInserted;
changeAmount = changeAmount + amountInserted;
cout << endl << "Your Change: " << "$" << changeAmount;
// Displaying the change amount.
totalSales += Machine[choice - 49].Cost;
// Calculating the total sales.
--Machine[choice - 49].Quantity;
// Decreasing the number of drinks in machine.
while (choice >= '1' && choice <= '5');
// After the user selects to QUIT the program, displaying the changes
// in drink_structure called as machine.
cout << endl << endl << "CLOSING TRANSACTIONS............";
cout << endl << endl << "Remaining Drinks in College Vending Machine Simulator!";
cout << endl << "------------------------------------------------------"
<< endl;
cout << endl << "Drink Name\t" << "Cost\t" << "Number in Machine";
cout << endl << "----------\t" << "----\t" << "-----------------";
for (int j = 0; j < numDrinks; ++j) {
cout << endl << Machine[j].Drink_Name
<< "\t" << Machine[j].Cost << setw (13) << Machine[j].Quantity;
cout << endl << "\nTotal Amount of Sales: " << "$" << totalSales;
// Displaying the total amount of sales done by soft drink machin.
// Program Description:
// This program uses struct to create structure of data so that we could use it
// for efficient programming experience. It creates an array of five structures
// with drink name, drink cost and number in machine. It lists the number of
// drinks, its costs and type of drink. The user is allowed to either pick a
// drink or leave the program by pressing any key except for the keys assigned
// for the respective drinks. The program takes amount from user for particular
// drink and then gives the output to the user about their change or informs user
// if the fund is insufficient. It only accepts amount >= zero and Less than
// equal to one. If the drinks are sold out then the user is informed to select
// other available drinks and can't choose sold out drinks. The program is designed
// to serve more than one transaction by one user untill they want to quit the
// program. Finally, the user is informed the updated result of all the transaction
// including the amount of money the machine earned from the user.
// Date/Time: 4/29/2010 5:17:39 AM
#include "extras.h"
#include "Generic_Class.h"
using namespace std;
// Named Constants
const int DRINK_SIZE = 27;
const int NUM_DRINKS = 5; // Valid for 5 drinks.
const char INPUT_PATH_FILE[] =
"C:\\c++ 242\\Assignments\\assignment4\\drink_machine_input.txt";
// Structure Declarations
struct Drink_Structure {
// Creating structure of Drink_Name, Cost and Quantity.
char Drink_Name[DRINK_SIZE];
double Cost;
int Quantity;
// Function Prototypes
void Simulator(Drink_Structure[], int);
bool Do_Again (void);
int main (void) {
cout.setf (ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
cout.setf (ios::showpoint);
cout.precision (2);
do {
ifstream InFile; // Input file stream.
InFile.open (INPUT_PATH_FILE); // Opening the file.
if (InFile) { // Performing operations if the input file is open.
// Input file opened successfully.
Drink_Structure machine[NUM_DRINKS];
//Creating an array of Drink_Structure type with NUM_DRINKS number
// of structures
int index = 0;
while (InFile >> machine[index].Drink_Name >> machine[index].Cost
>> machine[index].Quantity) {
// Replace underscore characters in drink name with spaces.
for (int i = 0; i < strlen (machine[index].Drink_Name); ++i) {
if (machine[index].Drink_Name[i] == '_') {
machine[index].Drink_Name[i] = ' ';
if (++index == NUM_DRINKS) {
// if increasing index value reaches NUM_DRINKS then it breaks
// out of the loop.
Simulator(machine, NUM_DRINKS);
// Calling the function to simulate the tasks.
} else {
cout << endl << "\a Error::Cannot Open Input File";
// Displays error if the program can't open the input file.
} while (Do_Again ());
return 0;
// Function Definitions
bool Do_Again (void) {
(void) fflush (stdin);
cout << endl << endl << "\aDo Again? (y/n): ";
return static_cast
void Simulator(Drink_Structure Machine[], int numDrinks) {
// This function defination takes the input from the user on which drink they
// like to drink and gives the change or asks for additional amount if insufficient.
// If the user chooses to quit the program then it displays the updated
// situation of the number of drinks in the machine and the amount of money
// earned by the machine.
char choice; // Choice as 1 to 5 drinks user want to have.
double amountInserted = 0.0; // Amount of money user enters at first.
double changeAmount = 0.0; // Amount of money user gets back or is in need.
double totalSales = 0.0; // Total sales amount for the machine.
do {
// Displaying the Drink Machine information.
cout << endl << endl << "Welcome to College Vending Machine Simulator!";
cout << endl << "---------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << endl << "Options\t" << "Drink Name\t" << "Cost\t" << "Number in Machine";
cout << endl << "-------\t" << "----------\t" << "----\t" << "-----------------";
for (int j = 0; j < numDrinks; ++j) {
cout << endl << setw (4) << char (j + 49) << "\t" << Machine[j].Drink_Name
<< "\t" << Machine[j].Cost << setw (13) << Machine[j].Quantity;
cout << endl << endl << "Enter Drink Option or PRESS ANY KEY to QUIT: ";
cin >> choice;
if (choice >= '1' && choice <= '5') {
// If the choice is in between 1 to 5 then the following code executes.
while (Machine[choice - 49].Quantity == 0) { // If drink number is "0".
cout << endl << "Oops.....Sold Out!! ";
cout << endl << endl << "Enter other DRINK OPTIONS except, "
<< Machine[choice - 49].Drink_Name << ": ";
cin >> choice; // User is forced to choose drinks except the one
// which is already sold out.
cout << endl << "INSERT Amount of Money FOR "
<< Machine[choice - 49].Drink_Name << ": " ;
cin >> amountInserted; // User's input.
while (amountInserted < 0 || amountInserted > 1) {
// Validating input.
cout << endl << "INVALID AMOUNT!" << endl
<< "INSERT Amount > $0 or <= $1: ";
cin >> amountInserted;
changeAmount = amountInserted - Machine[choice - 49].Cost;
// Calculation change amount.
while (changeAmount < 0.0) {
// If change amount is negative perform the following.
cout << endl << "Insufficient Fund!!" << endl << "You are Short: "
<< "$" << fabs (changeAmount);
cout << endl << "Please INSERT this short fund: ";
cin >> amountInserted;
while (amountInserted < 0.0 || amountInserted > 1.0) {
// Again validating the input.
cout << endl << "Invalid Amount" << endl
<< "INSERT Amount > $0 or <= $1: ";
cin >> amountInserted;
changeAmount = changeAmount + amountInserted;
cout << endl << "Your Change: " << "$" << changeAmount;
// Displaying the change amount.
totalSales += Machine[choice - 49].Cost;
// Calculating the total sales.
--Machine[choice - 49].Quantity;
// Decreasing the number of drinks in machine.
while (choice >= '1' && choice <= '5');
// After the user selects to QUIT the program, displaying the changes
// in drink_structure called as machine.
cout << endl << endl << "CLOSING TRANSACTIONS............";
cout << endl << endl << "Remaining Drinks in College Vending Machine Simulator!";
cout << endl << "------------------------------------------------------"
<< endl;
cout << endl << "Drink Name\t" << "Cost\t" << "Number in Machine";
cout << endl << "----------\t" << "----\t" << "-----------------";
for (int j = 0; j < numDrinks; ++j) {
cout << endl << Machine[j].Drink_Name
<< "\t" << Machine[j].Cost << setw (13) << Machine[j].Quantity;
cout << endl << "\nTotal Amount of Sales: " << "$" << totalSales;
// Displaying the total amount of sales done by soft drink machin.
The input file "drink_machine_input.txt" looks like this,
Coca_Cola 0.75 0
Root_Beer 0.75 20
Lemon_Lime 0.75 20
Grape_Soda 0.80 2
Cream_Soda 0.80 20
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