// Programming Environment: Bloodshed
// Program Description:
// This program asks the user to input the name or partial name and it
// searches the database in a file to give the user with the record that
// contains some or all of the records that was matched during the search
// process. It takes input from a file and transfers the information to an
// array and performs its search operation using a function. This function
// basically converts both the user input and the input from the file to
// lower case so that it wouldn't have an effect on the search. When the
// search actually find the records then it again displayes the record that
// was not converted to lowercase. Hence, it uses smart techniques to search
// the names and its corresponding phone numbers to act as a Phone Diary.
// Date/Time: 4/12/2010 2:42:29 AM
#include "extras.h"
#include "Generic_Class.h"
using namespace std;
// Named Constants
const int NAME_SIZE = 50; // Setting name size for user input.
const char INPUT_PATH_FILE[] =
"C:\\c++ 242\\Assignments\\assignment3\\assign3_with_functions\\phone_num.txt";
// Path for the database to be accessed by the programmer.
const int LENGTH = 256; // Setting database record limit to 256 records.
const int WIDTH = 50; // Setting each record length limit 50.
// Structure Declarations
// Function Prototypes
void SearchList(char[][WIDTH], int, char[]); // To Search name out of database.
bool Search_Again (void);
int main (void) {
cout.setf (ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
cout.setf (ios::showpoint);
cout.precision (2);
do {
char name [NAME_SIZE];
cout << endl << endl << "PHONE DIARY Ver. 1.3";
cout << endl << endl << "Search: ";
cin.getline (name, NAME_SIZE); // Getting the input from the user.
for (int j = 0; j < strlen (name); ++j) {
name[j] = tolower (name[j]); // Converting input from user to lower case.
ifstream InFile; // Input file stream.
InFile.open (INPUT_PATH_FILE); // Opening the file.
if (InFile) { // Performing operations if the input file is open.
// Input file opened successfully.
char people_information[LENGTH][WIDTH]; // Creating 2-D Array.
int count = 0;
// Creating integer variable so that we could store the number of
// records there are in our file. If the user inputs more data to the
// file then we could keep track of how many records are there in our file.
while(InFile.getline(people_information[count], WIDTH)) {
// Reading records in file till the end of the file.
++ count; // Counting the records.
// Closing the file as we have already transfered the records from file
// to 2-D Array called people_information[][].
cout << endl << "Database Contains " << count << " Records!!" << endl;
cout << "------------------------------" << endl << endl;;
// Informing user the number of records that the notepad file contains!
SearchList(people_information, count, name);
// Invoking the function SearchList() to search the name or partial name
// to get the full name or the phone number out of the database in
// notepad file.
} else {
cout << endl << "\aCannot Open Input File";
} while (Search_Again ());
return 0;
// Function Definitions
bool Search_Again (void) {
(void) fflush (stdin);
cout << endl << endl << "\aSearch Again? (y/n): ";
return static_cast(tolower (_getch ())) == 'y';
void SearchList(char people_information[][WIDTH], int count, char name[]){
// This funtion defination takes the information stored in array called
// people_information[], copies it to a duplicate array called
// Duplicate_Array[] by converting it to lower case so that when user
// performs search operation then it won't affect whether they enter lower
// case or upper case name or partial name.
char Duplicate_Array[LENGTH][WIDTH]; // Creating Duplicate Array.
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
// Performs loop for number of records we have in our database. If the
// database is updated and user adds another record in the phone book
// then this loop would update itself to loop that many times.
strcpy(Duplicate_Array[i], people_information[i]);
// Copies all the information from array people_information[] to
// Duplicate_Array[].
for (int j = 0; j < count; ++j) {
// Converts the elements of Duplicate_Array[][] to lower case
// First it converts all the elements of row 1 to lower case and
// so on untill it reaches the last records of the array.
Duplicate_Array[i][j] = tolower(Duplicate_Array[i][j]);
bool found = false; // Setting found as false.
char* strptr; // Creating a character pointer.
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
// Searches the whole record to find the match.
strptr = strstr(Duplicate_Array[i], name);
// Points to the address where the name is matched to the user input.
if(strptr) {
// If the strptr is true then it displays the record that is found.
// Hence, we now only write people_information[i] so that only that
// record is displayed and the original record that is not
// converted to lower case is displayed.
cout << endl << "Found: " << people_information[i] << endl;
found = true; // Setting found as true as we find record.
if(!found) {
// If the record is not found then bool variable is set to false and
// if its true then we inform the user that the record in not found.
cout << endl << "Data Not Found!!";
cout << endl << "Add This Data In File Named Phone_Num.txt";
delete strptr;
// Deleting the strptr pointer as it has no use now at this
// point of the program.
// Program Description:
// This program asks the user to input the name or partial name and it
// searches the database in a file to give the user with the record that
// contains some or all of the records that was matched during the search
// process. It takes input from a file and transfers the information to an
// array and performs its search operation using a function. This function
// basically converts both the user input and the input from the file to
// lower case so that it wouldn't have an effect on the search. When the
// search actually find the records then it again displayes the record that
// was not converted to lowercase. Hence, it uses smart techniques to search
// the names and its corresponding phone numbers to act as a Phone Diary.
// Date/Time: 4/12/2010 2:42:29 AM
#include "extras.h"
#include "Generic_Class.h"
using namespace std;
// Named Constants
const int NAME_SIZE = 50; // Setting name size for user input.
const char INPUT_PATH_FILE[] =
"C:\\c++ 242\\Assignments\\assignment3\\assign3_with_functions\\phone_num.txt";
// Path for the database to be accessed by the programmer.
const int LENGTH = 256; // Setting database record limit to 256 records.
const int WIDTH = 50; // Setting each record length limit 50.
// Structure Declarations
// Function Prototypes
void SearchList(char[][WIDTH], int, char[]); // To Search name out of database.
bool Search_Again (void);
int main (void) {
cout.setf (ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
cout.setf (ios::showpoint);
cout.precision (2);
do {
char name [NAME_SIZE];
cout << endl << endl << "PHONE DIARY Ver. 1.3";
cout << endl << endl << "Search: ";
cin.getline (name, NAME_SIZE); // Getting the input from the user.
for (int j = 0; j < strlen (name); ++j) {
name[j] = tolower (name[j]); // Converting input from user to lower case.
ifstream InFile; // Input file stream.
InFile.open (INPUT_PATH_FILE); // Opening the file.
if (InFile) { // Performing operations if the input file is open.
// Input file opened successfully.
char people_information[LENGTH][WIDTH]; // Creating 2-D Array.
int count = 0;
// Creating integer variable so that we could store the number of
// records there are in our file. If the user inputs more data to the
// file then we could keep track of how many records are there in our file.
while(InFile.getline(people_information[count], WIDTH)) {
// Reading records in file till the end of the file.
++ count; // Counting the records.
// Closing the file as we have already transfered the records from file
// to 2-D Array called people_information[][].
cout << endl << "Database Contains " << count << " Records!!" << endl;
cout << "------------------------------" << endl << endl;;
// Informing user the number of records that the notepad file contains!
SearchList(people_information, count, name);
// Invoking the function SearchList() to search the name or partial name
// to get the full name or the phone number out of the database in
// notepad file.
} else {
cout << endl << "\aCannot Open Input File";
} while (Search_Again ());
return 0;
// Function Definitions
bool Search_Again (void) {
(void) fflush (stdin);
cout << endl << endl << "\aSearch Again? (y/n): ";
return static_cast
void SearchList(char people_information[][WIDTH], int count, char name[]){
// This funtion defination takes the information stored in array called
// people_information[], copies it to a duplicate array called
// Duplicate_Array[] by converting it to lower case so that when user
// performs search operation then it won't affect whether they enter lower
// case or upper case name or partial name.
char Duplicate_Array[LENGTH][WIDTH]; // Creating Duplicate Array.
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
// Performs loop for number of records we have in our database. If the
// database is updated and user adds another record in the phone book
// then this loop would update itself to loop that many times.
strcpy(Duplicate_Array[i], people_information[i]);
// Copies all the information from array people_information[] to
// Duplicate_Array[].
for (int j = 0; j < count; ++j) {
// Converts the elements of Duplicate_Array[][] to lower case
// First it converts all the elements of row 1 to lower case and
// so on untill it reaches the last records of the array.
Duplicate_Array[i][j] = tolower(Duplicate_Array[i][j]);
bool found = false; // Setting found as false.
char* strptr; // Creating a character pointer.
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
// Searches the whole record to find the match.
strptr = strstr(Duplicate_Array[i], name);
// Points to the address where the name is matched to the user input.
if(strptr) {
// If the strptr is true then it displays the record that is found.
// Hence, we now only write people_information[i] so that only that
// record is displayed and the original record that is not
// converted to lower case is displayed.
cout << endl << "Found: " << people_information[i] << endl;
found = true; // Setting found as true as we find record.
if(!found) {
// If the record is not found then bool variable is set to false and
// if its true then we inform the user that the record in not found.
cout << endl << "Data Not Found!!";
cout << endl << "Add This Data In File Named Phone_Num.txt";
delete strptr;
// Deleting the strptr pointer as it has no use now at this
// point of the program.
This is the text file named "phone_num.txt" looks like,
Becky Warren, 555-1223
Joe Looney, 555-0097
Geri Palmer, 555-8787
Lynn Presnell, 555-1212
Holly Gaddis, 555-8878
Sam Wiggins, 555-0998
Bob Kain, 555-8712
Tim Haynes, 5557676
Warren Gaddis, 555-9037
Jean James, 555-4939
Ron Palmer, 555-2783
Praj Shrestha, 720-233-2603
James Bond, 777-888-7777
Raj, 232-232-2442
Ram, 3234232
James Bond, 777-777-7777
Collen Farrel, 720-234-6421
Winnona Raider, 303-223-1023
Ujjwal Shrestha, 302-332-1234
Please put your mess in a code format. It is hard to read.