// Programming Assignment: 2. Stock Transaction Program
// Programming Environment: Bloodshed
// Date/Time: 1/27/2010 3:01:55 AM
// This program asks the Joe user to input the values for shares purchased
// and sold, price per share bought and sold and, percentage of commission when
// bought and sold the stock to stock broker.
// It processes the information provided by the user using if...else statement
// at two different location in the program to be more user-friendly.
// It displays the money paid in dollars for the stock, commission paid for the
// broker, total stock bought, total stock sold, commissions paid to broker and
// whether you ended up making profit or loss (if you also sold your stock).
using namespace std;
// Named Constants
// Function Prototypes
int main (void)
cout.setf (ios::fixed, ios::floatfield);
cout.setf (ios::showpoint);
cout.precision (2);
// Variable Initialization.
int share_no;
double share_price;
double commission_rate;
double amount_paid_stock;
double commission_paid;
int share_no_sold;
double share_price_sold;
double commission_rate_sold;
double amount_sold_stock;
double commission_paid_sell;
double total_buying;
double total_selling;
double profit;
double loss;
// Prompt for and get shares purchased, price per share and commission to
// broker.
cout << endl << "Enter the number of shares purchased: ";
cin >> share_no;
cout << endl << "Enter the price per share: ";
cin >> share_price;
cout << endl << "Enter the percentage of commission paid to broker: ";
cin >> commission_rate;
// Calculations for amount paid for stock, commission paid to the broker and
// total buying.
amount_paid_stock = share_no * share_price;
commission_paid = amount_paid_stock * commission_rate / 100;
total_buying = amount_paid_stock + commission_paid;
// Display Results
cout << endl << "Amount of money paid for the stock: " << "$" << amount_paid_stock;
cout << endl << "Amount of commission paid to broker when the stock was bought: " << "$" << commission_paid;
// Using if...else to make this program more user-friendly.
cout << endl << endl << endl << "\nHave you sold the stock? (y/n): ";
char answer;
cin >> answer;
if (answer == 'Y' || answer == 'y'){
// Prompt for and get shares sold, price per share and commission to broker.
cout << endl << "Enter the number of shares sold: ";
cin >> share_no_sold;
cout << endl << "Enter the price per share sold: ";
cin >> share_price_sold;
cout << endl << "Enter the percentage of commission paid to broker: ";
cin >> commission_rate_sold;
// Calculations for amount of stock sold, commission paid to sell the
// stock and total selling.
amount_sold_stock = share_no_sold * share_price_sold;
commission_paid_sell = amount_sold_stock * commission_rate_sold / 100;
total_selling = amount_sold_stock - commission_paid_sell;
profit = total_selling - total_buying;
// Display results
cout << endl << "Amount of money received for the stock sold: " << "$" << amount_sold_stock;
cout << endl << "Amount of commission paid to broker when the stock was sold: " << "$" << commission_paid_sell;
// cout << endl << "Profit/loss: " << "$" << profit;
if (profit >= 0.0){
cout << endl << "Your profit is: " << "$" << profit;
} else {
cout << endl << "Your Loss is: " << "$" << fabs(profit);
// Using Fabs function to convert negative no into a positive.
} else {
cout << endl << "Come back again when you sell your stock. ";
cout << endl << "Thank You";
cout << endl << endl << endl << "Depress Any Key to Continue...";
_getch ();
return 0;
// Function Definitions follow.
This is my first programming class and i just wanted to thank you.....this really helped me out alot